Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ovary Pain: Relieve the Pain and Cure Your Cysts

Can natural methods relieve ovary pain, cure your cysts, and stop ovarian cysts from recurring?  By discovering the root cause of your cysts you can use natural methods that will sooth the pain as well as change your body and eliminate the condition that is causing the cysts. 

Ovary pain in women can be quite unbearable particularly during or around the menstrual cycle. Ovarian pain can be caused due to many reasons including cysts and cancer, the most common reason being polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS.

There are various ways to combat pain in the pelvic region and the ovaries. Since conventional medicine doctors are of the opinion that cysts in the ovaries are quite harmless and hence cannot cause pain or discomfort, there is no medicine aimed at treating it. The only medications a doctor may advise would be birth control pills to stop ovulation or pain killers. This may decrease the pain to a certain extent, but without treatment the condition will only get worse. 

Fortunately there are many ways a woman can use to control ovary pain, and all these the natural way. Natural methods of cure for ovarian pain include usage of heat. As we all are aware whenever there is some kind of pain without any cuts or open wounds, applying heat can give much relief. Similarly in ovary pain too applying heat through hot water bag or heating pad can provide some relief, though this is not a treatment and will not cure the problem. Keep the hot element towards your back to get maximum relief and also place a cloth or towel on your skin and then apply the heat to reduce redness.

A warm bath too can be relaxing and soothing. Natural care for ovary pain includes herbal teas especially those with Chamomile, mint or raspberry flavors. Initially those who are new to the taste may not relish it, but you will gradually get used to it and in fact find it more soothing and not just during the pain bouts. Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee which can intensify the pain. Drinking sufficient water and urinating often can also provide great relief.

In addition to treating the pain, you can treat the cause of your cysts with natural methods which will stop the recurrence of ovarian cysts.  By simply changing your diet you can accomplish this.  Ovarian cysts are usually caused by a hormonal or insulin imbalance.  You can address this imbalance by adopting a diet which is rich in fiber content, and low in carbs and sugar.  Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and herbal teas will also help you rid your body of harmful toxins.

Using natural methods at home you can not only treat the ovary pain, but you can also heal the condition that is causing your painful ovarian cysts.  You can prevent future cyst formation and live cyst free and pain free.

Here is the #1 guide to cure ovary pain and treatment of ovarian cysts. Visit

Treating Ovary Pain With Natural Methods is Simple Effective and Safe

What if you could find a way to eliminate ovary pain?  What if you could also put an end to your recurring ovarian cysts?  As you read on, you will discover that this is not only possible, but simple and effective.

The main cause of ovary pain in women is ovarian cysts. An ovarian cyst is essentially a collection of fluid encircled in a thin walled cell and can be present in either the left or the right ovary. If a follicle inside the ovary measures larger than 2 cm they are called ovarian cysts.

The size of the cyst can vary between that of a small pea or be the size of an orange. These cysts are mostly harmless. The most common type is known as functional cysts, and they normally shrink on their own over a period of 1 to 3 months.The cysts are present in almost all pre-menopausal women and in at least 15% of postmenopausal women.

Cysts most often develop during the childbearing years of a woman. While cysts many times come and go on their own, without producing any symptoms, some cysts are known to cause problems like ovary pain and bleeding, as well as menstrual irregularities, nausea and vomiting.

Ovary pain can be a difficult thing to deal with especially as the pain grows day by day without any signs of diminishing. The pain in some women can be quite severe before and during menstrual cycles, almost immobilizing them. There are medications that can ease the pain, but are mostly only pain killers and do not actually provide any treatment for the condition. Further continuous or increased ingestion of these painkillers may ultimately affect the kidney.

Natural methods are, any day, the best alternative to treatments that can cause side effects. There are many positive aspects to treating ovary pain using natural methods and care while the negative aspects are almost none. Natural ways of treatment are simple, effective and most importantly safe. These are also very affordable and don't involve use of expensive products, tests or injections.

Natural methods also include a simple change in a woman's diet to address the cause of the ovarian cysts. A diet that includes high fiber content and vegetables, while reducing sugar and carbohydrates is recommended. Also, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water and certain recommended herbal teas is very effective to detox the body and cleanse the liver.

The best part of using natural methods to treat ovary pain and ovarian cysts is it does not aim to cure the pain but aims at removing or curing the cysts and also strengthens the ovary to prevent further cyst formation.
Here is the #1 guide to cure ovary pain and treatment of ovarian cysts. Visit

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy Do Natural Remedies Really Work?

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy have the same symptoms and causes as ovarian cysts in any woman under normal circumstances.  These cysts are normally caused by a hormonal imbalance in your body due to a high level of insulin.  In order to correct this imbalance, what is needed is making the necessary changes to your diet.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy should be monitored closely.  Even though most of the time they have no serious consequences, there is always the chance that they may grow big and get very painful.  The danger in this case is that they can rupture, and cause a miscarriage or pre-term labor.  In most cases, small ovarian cysts will disappear just as soon as they came, causing no harm to either you or the baby.

So in order to work with your condition and to prevent the cysts from growing and avoiding complications, you can shrink your cysts by going to the root of the problem.  A diet that addresses the hormonal imbalance is the most effective way to do this.  

This diet consists of high fiber intake, vegetables and fruits, a decrease in sugar, carbs, caffeine and alcohol.  Natural supplements are also advisable.  A woman should also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, as well as herbal teas to detoxify her body and cleanse her liver.  This will all be instrumental in balancing your hormones and getting rid of the cysts.

Doctors will usually tell you to wait and see if the cyst will go away on its own.  There is no other kind of treatment during pregnancy.  In cases where the ovarian cysts get very large, normally the only alternative is surgery to prevent further complications.

Natural remedies are the only effective and safe way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy.  Since you are addressing the root cause of the cyst through a well balanced and healthy diet you will not only be able to shrink your cysts until they disappear, but you will also be making yourself healthy during your pregnancy.  This will of course have favorable results for both you and your baby.

Get rid of your ovarian cysts during pregnancy once and for all with natural alternatives which are safe and beneficial.  Visit

Photo: Creative Commons by Karimian at Flickr

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: Why Natural Methods Are the Best Solution

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are seldom serious.  1 in 1,000 women have them.  Small cysts usually disappear on their own.  You should always ask your doctor to perform an ultrasound, just to rule out that they could be malignant, but they very rarely are.  There are only 1 in 25,000 incidents of pregnancies with ovarian cancer.

The safest way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy is with natural methods.  The cause of ovarian cysts is usually a hormonal imbalance caused by high levels of insulin in the body.  Treating this condition with a change of diet and natural supplements is not only safe, but it is also healthy for both you and the baby.  By addressing the root cause of the cysts you will not only be able to shrink them until they disappear but this will also prevent them from coming back.

A simple change in your diet to include high levels of fiber, vegetables and fruits, and avoiding sugar, white flour, caffeine and alcohol will help you get rid of the cysts.  Continue this diet until the cysts disappear.  It is recommended that a woman drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to help detoxify the body.  Certain herbal teas are very beneficial to clean the liver and produce the necessary balance in your hormones.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy is a condition that needs to be watched.  If cysts become enlarged they could produce unnecessary complications.  When cysts get very large they can rupture and cause severe pain.  This can lead to pre-term pregnancy or miscarriage.  This is what you want to avoid by all means.  You can do this very easily with the help of natural remedies that will shrink your cysts until they disappear.

Why not try the natural way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy that will be beneficial in every way to you and your unborn child?  Here is all the information you need.  Visit

Photo: Creative Commons by at Flickr

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: Are They Dangerous?

If you are pregnant and are diagnosed with ovarian cysts you will want to take every precaution to keep yourself and your unborn baby safe.  First of all, you should know that ovarian cysts during pregnancy are usually benign.  Your doctor will normally perform an ultrasound to rule out a malignant cyst, but chances of cancerous ovarian cysts during pregnancy are uncommon.  1 out of 1,000 pregnant women have ovarian cysts, and only 1 in 25,000 develop ovarian cancer.

Of course the best outcome would be for your cysts to disappear.  Normally doctors will keep a watchful eye via ultrasounds and many times the cysts will disappear just as soon as they appeared.  Women have cysts frequently that they are never even aware of, because they come and go.  A cyst during pregnancy might not affect you or your baby at all.
It is very important to keep the cysts from getting bigger.  The only real danger of ovarian cysts during pregnancy is when they become large.  Large cysts can cause complications.  They can rupture and become severely painful.  This can lead to pre-term pregnancy or miscarriage. 

Even though surgery is not really recommended during pregnancy, when a cyst becomes anywhere from 6 – 8 cm surgery might become the best alternative in order to prevent  further problems.  Generally, there is no direct harm for you or your baby from surgery but it can always be risky.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy do not present a danger in themselves unless of course they are malignant or they are very large.  What you want to do is to keep them from growing to prevent complications.  There are ways to do this through changes in diet and natural supplements.

Learn how you can treat ovarian cysts the best way, even if you have tried everything else.  Make yourself and your baby as healthy as you can and heal your body at the same time.  Visit

Photo: Creative Commons from Mahalie at

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: A Healthy Alternative

Having ovarian cysts during pregnancy can seem to put a damper on things.  After all, this is a very happy time for you, yet you have to deal with something which is not so pleasant.  However, you should know that these cysts are usually benign, so there is no cause for alarm.  Doctors will usually perform an ultrasound out of great precaution to rule out a malignant cyst, but they are very rare during pregnancy.  Most malignant cysts are normally post-menopausal.

When you have ovarian cysts during pregnancy rest is usually recommended.  Many times, just as for any normal woman who is not pregnant, the cysts will shrink and disappear on their own, without medical intervention. 

Natural treatment of ovarian cysts can help you to dissolve the cysts.  By drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily and adding lots of fiber and reducing sugar and carbs you can reverse the condition in your body that is causing the cysts and shrink them until they disappear.   There are natural supplements and vitamins that you can find at your local health store that will greatly aid you as well.

However, if the cysts get large that’s where it can get complicated during pregnancy.  Large ovarian cysts can twist and rupture, and that causes severe pain.  They can cause premature labor and early delivery.  Even though surgery is not recommended during pregnancy, it might be the best course of action to take to prevent a miscarriage if the cysts are more than 6 – 8 cm.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy present a medical situation that needs to be monitored closely to keep both the mother and the baby safe and healthy.   Natural remedies can offer a very healthy alternative.

Learn of natural ways to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy and stop recurring ovarian cysts. Live pain free and cyst free. Visit

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ovarian Cysts and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are a concern for many women.  This condition can and does lead to miscarriages often.  Pregnant women need to get medical care immediately as soon as they have symptoms of a cyst.

About 1 in 1000 women will develop an ovarian cyst during pregnancy.  In many cases it just may dissolve by itself, but it might become a cause of great concern if it grows and becomes painful.  Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are usually benign, but doctors will normally order an ultrasound to check for cancer out of precaution.  Only 1 in 25,000 births has an incident of ovarian cancer.

There is no treatment for ovarian cysts during pregnancy, other than waiting to see if it shrinks, or surgery.  When the cyst becomes large there is a chance that it may rupture and twist, causing severe pain. If a cyst is 6 – 8 cm or larger there will usually be a couple of weeks of bed rest and careful watch to see if it will shrink on its own.  However, a cyst that large will usually be removed surgically.

The danger in a large ovarian cyst during pregnancy is that it can be so painful that it may produce a miscarriage and preterm delivery of the baby.  This is especially true of polycystic ovaries, ones that have many cysts.  The best time to perform surgery is during the second trimester, at about 14 to 16 weeks.  Sometimes laparoscopy may be used to remove the cyst, but very large cysts will require an open incision to remove them.  Even though surgery is not recommended during pregnancy, at this point, it may be the safest alternative for mom and baby.

You can take precautions that are very beneficial to treat your cysts at home.  Natural treatment of ovarian cysts will help shrink your cysts and prevent your body from forming more cysts.  By changing your diet and incorporating some supplements and vitamins, you will be able to heal your body and stop recurring cysts.  Learn how to take part in your own healing.

Learn of natural ways to treat ovarian cysts and stop recurring ovarian cysts.  Live pain free and cyst free.  Visit