Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: Are They Dangerous?

If you are pregnant and are diagnosed with ovarian cysts you will want to take every precaution to keep yourself and your unborn baby safe.  First of all, you should know that ovarian cysts during pregnancy are usually benign.  Your doctor will normally perform an ultrasound to rule out a malignant cyst, but chances of cancerous ovarian cysts during pregnancy are uncommon.  1 out of 1,000 pregnant women have ovarian cysts, and only 1 in 25,000 develop ovarian cancer.

Of course the best outcome would be for your cysts to disappear.  Normally doctors will keep a watchful eye via ultrasounds and many times the cysts will disappear just as soon as they appeared.  Women have cysts frequently that they are never even aware of, because they come and go.  A cyst during pregnancy might not affect you or your baby at all.
It is very important to keep the cysts from getting bigger.  The only real danger of ovarian cysts during pregnancy is when they become large.  Large cysts can cause complications.  They can rupture and become severely painful.  This can lead to pre-term pregnancy or miscarriage. 

Even though surgery is not really recommended during pregnancy, when a cyst becomes anywhere from 6 – 8 cm surgery might become the best alternative in order to prevent  further problems.  Generally, there is no direct harm for you or your baby from surgery but it can always be risky.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy do not present a danger in themselves unless of course they are malignant or they are very large.  What you want to do is to keep them from growing to prevent complications.  There are ways to do this through changes in diet and natural supplements.

Learn how you can treat ovarian cysts the best way, even if you have tried everything else.  Make yourself and your baby as healthy as you can and heal your body at the same time.  Visit http://www.ovariancystalternatives.info

Photo: Creative Commons from Mahalie at Flickr.com

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