Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: A Healthy Alternative

Having ovarian cysts during pregnancy can seem to put a damper on things.  After all, this is a very happy time for you, yet you have to deal with something which is not so pleasant.  However, you should know that these cysts are usually benign, so there is no cause for alarm.  Doctors will usually perform an ultrasound out of great precaution to rule out a malignant cyst, but they are very rare during pregnancy.  Most malignant cysts are normally post-menopausal.

When you have ovarian cysts during pregnancy rest is usually recommended.  Many times, just as for any normal woman who is not pregnant, the cysts will shrink and disappear on their own, without medical intervention. 

Natural treatment of ovarian cysts can help you to dissolve the cysts.  By drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily and adding lots of fiber and reducing sugar and carbs you can reverse the condition in your body that is causing the cysts and shrink them until they disappear.   There are natural supplements and vitamins that you can find at your local health store that will greatly aid you as well.

However, if the cysts get large that’s where it can get complicated during pregnancy.  Large ovarian cysts can twist and rupture, and that causes severe pain.  They can cause premature labor and early delivery.  Even though surgery is not recommended during pregnancy, it might be the best course of action to take to prevent a miscarriage if the cysts are more than 6 – 8 cm.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy present a medical situation that needs to be monitored closely to keep both the mother and the baby safe and healthy.   Natural remedies can offer a very healthy alternative.

Learn of natural ways to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy and stop recurring ovarian cysts. Live pain free and cyst free. Visit http://www.ovariancystalternatives.info

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