Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy: Why Natural Methods Are the Best Solution

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are seldom serious.  1 in 1,000 women have them.  Small cysts usually disappear on their own.  You should always ask your doctor to perform an ultrasound, just to rule out that they could be malignant, but they very rarely are.  There are only 1 in 25,000 incidents of pregnancies with ovarian cancer.

The safest way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy is with natural methods.  The cause of ovarian cysts is usually a hormonal imbalance caused by high levels of insulin in the body.  Treating this condition with a change of diet and natural supplements is not only safe, but it is also healthy for both you and the baby.  By addressing the root cause of the cysts you will not only be able to shrink them until they disappear but this will also prevent them from coming back.

A simple change in your diet to include high levels of fiber, vegetables and fruits, and avoiding sugar, white flour, caffeine and alcohol will help you get rid of the cysts.  Continue this diet until the cysts disappear.  It is recommended that a woman drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to help detoxify the body.  Certain herbal teas are very beneficial to clean the liver and produce the necessary balance in your hormones.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy is a condition that needs to be watched.  If cysts become enlarged they could produce unnecessary complications.  When cysts get very large they can rupture and cause severe pain.  This can lead to pre-term pregnancy or miscarriage.  This is what you want to avoid by all means.  You can do this very easily with the help of natural remedies that will shrink your cysts until they disappear.

Why not try the natural way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy that will be beneficial in every way to you and your unborn child?  Here is all the information you need.  Visit

Photo: Creative Commons by at Flickr

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