Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ovary Pain: Relieve the Pain and Cure Your Cysts

Can natural methods relieve ovary pain, cure your cysts, and stop ovarian cysts from recurring?  By discovering the root cause of your cysts you can use natural methods that will sooth the pain as well as change your body and eliminate the condition that is causing the cysts. 

Ovary pain in women can be quite unbearable particularly during or around the menstrual cycle. Ovarian pain can be caused due to many reasons including cysts and cancer, the most common reason being polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS.

There are various ways to combat pain in the pelvic region and the ovaries. Since conventional medicine doctors are of the opinion that cysts in the ovaries are quite harmless and hence cannot cause pain or discomfort, there is no medicine aimed at treating it. The only medications a doctor may advise would be birth control pills to stop ovulation or pain killers. This may decrease the pain to a certain extent, but without treatment the condition will only get worse. 

Fortunately there are many ways a woman can use to control ovary pain, and all these the natural way. Natural methods of cure for ovarian pain include usage of heat. As we all are aware whenever there is some kind of pain without any cuts or open wounds, applying heat can give much relief. Similarly in ovary pain too applying heat through hot water bag or heating pad can provide some relief, though this is not a treatment and will not cure the problem. Keep the hot element towards your back to get maximum relief and also place a cloth or towel on your skin and then apply the heat to reduce redness.

A warm bath too can be relaxing and soothing. Natural care for ovary pain includes herbal teas especially those with Chamomile, mint or raspberry flavors. Initially those who are new to the taste may not relish it, but you will gradually get used to it and in fact find it more soothing and not just during the pain bouts. Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee which can intensify the pain. Drinking sufficient water and urinating often can also provide great relief.

In addition to treating the pain, you can treat the cause of your cysts with natural methods which will stop the recurrence of ovarian cysts.  By simply changing your diet you can accomplish this.  Ovarian cysts are usually caused by a hormonal or insulin imbalance.  You can address this imbalance by adopting a diet which is rich in fiber content, and low in carbs and sugar.  Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and herbal teas will also help you rid your body of harmful toxins.

Using natural methods at home you can not only treat the ovary pain, but you can also heal the condition that is causing your painful ovarian cysts.  You can prevent future cyst formation and live cyst free and pain free.

Here is the #1 guide to cure ovary pain and treatment of ovarian cysts. Visit


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