Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy Do Natural Remedies Really Work?

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy have the same symptoms and causes as ovarian cysts in any woman under normal circumstances.  These cysts are normally caused by a hormonal imbalance in your body due to a high level of insulin.  In order to correct this imbalance, what is needed is making the necessary changes to your diet.

Ovarian cysts during pregnancy should be monitored closely.  Even though most of the time they have no serious consequences, there is always the chance that they may grow big and get very painful.  The danger in this case is that they can rupture, and cause a miscarriage or pre-term labor.  In most cases, small ovarian cysts will disappear just as soon as they came, causing no harm to either you or the baby.

So in order to work with your condition and to prevent the cysts from growing and avoiding complications, you can shrink your cysts by going to the root of the problem.  A diet that addresses the hormonal imbalance is the most effective way to do this.  

This diet consists of high fiber intake, vegetables and fruits, a decrease in sugar, carbs, caffeine and alcohol.  Natural supplements are also advisable.  A woman should also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, as well as herbal teas to detoxify her body and cleanse her liver.  This will all be instrumental in balancing your hormones and getting rid of the cysts.

Doctors will usually tell you to wait and see if the cyst will go away on its own.  There is no other kind of treatment during pregnancy.  In cases where the ovarian cysts get very large, normally the only alternative is surgery to prevent further complications.

Natural remedies are the only effective and safe way to treat ovarian cysts during pregnancy.  Since you are addressing the root cause of the cyst through a well balanced and healthy diet you will not only be able to shrink your cysts until they disappear, but you will also be making yourself healthy during your pregnancy.  This will of course have favorable results for both you and your baby.

Get rid of your ovarian cysts during pregnancy once and for all with natural alternatives which are safe and beneficial.  Visit

Photo: Creative Commons by Karimian at Flickr

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